Category: Brighton Fringe

Brighton Fringe Review: Blocked

Brighton Fringe Review: Blocked

If you don’t laugh, you’ll cry. That’s Laura Curnick mantra anyway. Stand-up comic, her career is taking off until she melts down on stage, confronted by the fact that she can’t have kids. Caroline Byrne’s Blocked charts Curnick’s journey through three separate stand-up gigs, from mocking mothers, pregnancy and children to lamenting that she can’t experience any of them herself.

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Brighton Fringe Review: Under My Thumb

Brighton Fringe Review: Under My Thumb

A converted metal shipping container is an appropriate theatre for Under My Thumb, a show that traps six women in a prison cell without ever revealing why. Cassiah Joski-Jethi eludes to it in her script and the audience are left to fill in the gaps.

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